Medic helmet with possible battle damage

This helmet was floating around on eBay for a week.i emailed the guy and made him an offer and he took it. I am not much into collecting relic helmet and I am always a sceptic when it comes to battle damage helmet and in this case both a medic and battle damage. There is a 14 day return policy.
The helmet was listed as a ww2 helmet, I believe it may be Korean War era. The helmet has I believe to be what is called the marine corps green it has a slight blue hint.
The helmet has sharpnel damage on two places in the rear and a bullet hole shot from the rear to the front.
Most fake battle damaged helmet are shot from an upper angle,this one is from a level straight on shot. If I were taken target practice on this helmet during war times I would have shot it from the front.
All opinions welcome. Marty

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