Need help! M 1 Garand, 1947

I’ve been offered a 1947 M1 Garand with a bunch of clips, bandoleer (sp) and 300 plus rounds of ammo. The rifle is reputedly complete with everything but the bayo.
According to the seller, a man in his 70’s, he has had it for over 20 years and never fired it. He said it may have never been fire since leaving the armory. I’m thinking it’s one of the post war refurbished rifles that the government did between 1947-49.
I’ve been wanting one for a long time but the thought has been on the back burner for years.
Is $1,000.00 US a reasonable price assuming it is in great condition when I go to see it? I have today & tomorrow to see and buy it before the guy goes to his other home in Arizona for the rest of the winter.
What say you?


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