Question Admiral Raeder photo. Strange boat in background.
Watermarking done digitally and low quality scan of image done for ownership purposes

Hello gentleman. A while back I made a post displaying this original and unpublished photo of Grossadmiral Raeder and now looking at it more closely I’d like to have more background on it. Well the first thing I wanted to figure out if this photo was taken in; Kiel, Wilhelmshaven, Hamburg, Bremen, in France, ect… And secondly which really intrigued me is the very unusual boat in the background. I have done much research trying to find this boat and sometimes thinking I had it and then turning out It wasn’t it. I’m still researching but decided to post on the forum and see if any of you have information to give. Best regards :)cool militaria

Hello gentleman. A while back I made a post displaying this original and unpublished photo of Grossadmiral Raeder and now looking at it more closely I’d like to have more background on it. Well the first thing I wanted to figure out if this photo was taken in; Kiel, Wilhelmshaven, Hamburg, Bremen, in France, ect… And secondly which really intrigued me is the very unusual boat in the background. I have done much research trying to find this boat and sometimes thinking I had it and then turning out It wasn’t it. I’m still researching but decided to post on the forum and see if any of you have information to give. Best regards :)cool militaria