Show your artillery (all nations, all era!) related collector items.
weather is to bad to shoot some pic’s outside.
Still want to join in on Aldo’s thread regarding the edge weapons, and sadly not enough room inside.
But I just got this M15 Saxe artillery in, and wanted to shoot some pictures…
So why not showing any artillery related item in the collection. All nations, all era, just anything.
On my pic I am showing a Berlgian artillery shako, a Saxe reserve artillery pickehaube, a Belgian refectory plate from a nearby military compound, again a Saxon artillery pickel (mod 15), and a Prussian officer’s helmet.
A French artillery horse bit, a wall shild of the Belgian para - commando artillery regiment (the regiment I served in), in the back, but hard to see, a box, probably for sweats, made in the form of a artillery shell. Then comes my TR artillery crusher and
a miniature of the Zamzama canon.
The glass shelf is held by cartridge-cases, the two in the front are artistically tooled, especially the right one.