A bit of a rarity. WE Offizier Waffenrock.
I haven’t had this one set up on a torso form for probably 20 years, so I decided to dust it off and enjoy it. This Hauptmann was in a peculiar class of Ergänzungsoffizier that was also a Waffenoffizier (Ordnance Officer). After 1934, a number of First World War officers were recalled, mostly in administrative positions, as supplementary officers called Ergänzungsoffiziere. By 1937 the number of Ergänzungsoffiziere was reported to be 4592. By 1939, the number of "E" officers was reported to be 6009.
Note that there were many different types of "E" officers. An active regular army Waffenoffizier had his rank suffixed by an "W" and therefore a Waffenoffizier who was also an Ergänzungsoffizier would be suffixed by "WE" as reported by Angolia and Schlicht.