The common Landser - Fritz Müller

The "everyman" Soldat with a very common name: Fritz Müller. A small grouping to this young NCO. All I have of his is pictured here. I do not know his fate and the name is so common that the Volksbund grave registration site is full of soldiers bearing the same name. Without his date of birth, I cannot match him. So I do not know if he survived the war. If he did it was against the odds as the 256th Infanterie Division was effectively destroyed during Operation Bagration. This is all the family kept. I would like to think he survived and made sure to hold onto his EKI and the document awarding it as that would have been his highest and proudest decoration. The EKI award document has an original signature of Generalleutnant and Knight’s Cross Wearer Paul Danhauser who was the 256. ID commander at the time of the award. 

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