NS64 early ND M42 helmet semi-relic

Hi folks,
decided to get another paint stripping project, since the last one was so successful, to you I present this ND M42, made by the Vereinigte Nickelwerke Schwerte AG, the shell itself is still in great shape retaining most of the slate grey paint, the liner band is quite rusty, and overall you can see that the entire helmet was repainted black post war, shell inside out, liner and inner ring.
Unfortunately my USB-port is broken on the PC I’m using right now so I can only post pictures pre-restoration, but I will show you what it looks like now.
Overall this helmet is quite interesting.. well, to me at least, because it is a NS64 D354 ND helmet, looking at the ghv database, lotnr D350 still received a decal, but D377 ( the next one shown there) does not, so I’d say that this probably was one of the first ND helmets produced by NS, couple that with a 1943 dated Werner Zahn steel liner, as you know, the Werner Zahn factory kept making alu reinforced liners even in 1943 so this is probably an early one from that factory aswell :D, the split pins are dated 1943 and made by S (pine tree) C, on 2 of the pins, the other is possibly too corroded to read the maker, unfortunately.
Picked it up for 95€ shipped which I think is a fair price for a helmet in that condition with a mostly complete liner.

These are the only pictures I have right now, those are from the message history of me and the seller, can’t get the pictures from the advert itself anymore since it has been deleted unfortunately..

Click to enlarge the picture








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