Eickhorn short police bayonet.
Hi, This is my police bayonet by Eickhorn I believe these were made during the third Reich as opposed to cut down Weimar types it has plated aluminium hilt that has lost a fair bit of it’s plating which I think is common for these with Staghorn grips and aluminium grip eagle. The scabbard is a dark brown leather with the frog stud being painted dark brown and the frog is also brown leather does this make it Rural Police? It is listed in the Eickhorn catalogue as item 1320 and designated "Extra:Seitengewehr". The blade is not brilliant as there is wear to the plating but no damage or nicks I think the trademark is the post 1941 Eickhorn trademark? The troddel I think is correct but not 100% sure? it certainly seems to have always been on this frog. All comments/opinions welcome.
Thanks, Andy.

Thanks, Andy.