Ghostly Goings On…

Hello folks.

A bit of an unusual topic to post, this one. But something that has come up in conversation with my family recently that I simply had to share with all of you.

To put it bluntly, my family seems to believe that an item in my collection has brought ’something’ into the house. I am not referring to asbestos, moths or bad smells, but rather what appears to be a member of the restless dead. I don’t know which item is responsible - although if I had to guess, the relic helmet with the shrapnel hole through it would be it - but it seems various family members have been experiencing odd phenomena that has only cropped up recently.

The one I hear mentioned frequently is footsteps. Every now and then, I’ll be asked if I was the one making noise in the wee hours of the morning. I have never heard this myself, but allegedly they hear someone going down the stairs and coming back up late at night, when everyone is fast asleep in bed. This also extends to the floor in the living room, which crackles when you walk on it.

According to my brother - and I take this with a pinch of salt - someone put a hand on his shoulder while he was lying in bed a few nights ago. You could easily attribute this to a dream, but he swears it was as real as if I had done it.

Now, I don’t believe in such things myself. I don’t even keep an open mind about it. But the more I think about it, the more it makes sense that I wouldn’t experience anything. If a ghost was connected to the things I collect, it makes sense that it would understand what I was doing as a collector. I treat the things I own with great reverence and respect, and so I would be looked on favourably by the deceased ex-owner. My family members share no interest in the hobby, and have referred to the stuff I collect as old junk on multiple occasions. If I were dead and still hanging around, I imagine I’d take offence to that.

Interpret this as you will. Bumps and creaks in the night could be contributed to a myriad of things. It is fun to think about, though. I just hope I don’t wake up in the middle of the night with a German soldat standing at the foot of my bed. :shok_yikes:

Thoughts, everyone?

Regards, B.B.

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