Question Few questions on a recent m1 purchase

Hi everyone,

I have been collecting for a few years now after catching the bug when I purchased an original ww2 Schuler m1 helmet. But being very new to the forum I apologise if this post is in the wrong section.

I have recently purchased a "ww2 m1" from the dreaded fee bay after several conversations with the seller telling me that the helmet was an original front seam stainless rim with swivel bales.

After it turned up in the post, I had a bit of a bad feeling. It had been repainted and applied with sand (really bad paint job with exposed sand and even finger prints where the paint did not have time to cure). I’ve had m1s in the past where once I’ve removed bad restorations, have actually been genuine. The front seam had be cut in and filled applied to the rear!!

This helmet I’m still not sure on it being post war or a repo… my questions are:

Are there reproduction helmets out there with stainless rims? I think they were discontinued mid war but were the reissued helmets to the Austrians stainless?

Is there a weight difference between helmets or difference in the elements of steel?

The colour underneath seems to be slightly lighter than the ww2 OD almost vietnam with no signs of cork (the helmet has clearly seen sandpaper though so may have been removed prior to paint).

I’ve had a scratch around the front rim to find any markings but no luck so far. With post war helmets is there a stamp in any other location? I remember reading about one being near the bale?

Thank you again I will upload pictures soon


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