The Private Green’s Memorial Cross

The Private Green’s Memorial Cross:

It’s my Tribute to the Green’s Family:

This Silver Memorial Cross, belonged to the Private James Alfred Green mother Mrs. Annie Smith.

Private Green was born in London, England in March 10, 1894, but emigrated to Canada and signed up in Vancouver, British Columbia.

With the Regimental Number 760168, his records indicate that he signed up with the 121st Battalion in British Columbia and was reported missing and killed in action on August 21, 1917 during the Battle of the Hill 70, with the age of 23.

James Alfred Green has no known grave but is commemorated on the "Canadian National Vimy Memorial", Pas de Calais, France. The name of the Private Green, James Alfred, 29th Battalion, Can be seen on the Page 247 from "First World War Book of Remembrance".


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