Ju-87D crash site relics

Thought I would show some more Luftwaffe crash site relics. This group of parts came from the crash of a Ju-87D in Ukraine. Unfortunately I only know a small bit of info on this particular plane, as research is still being done by the relic hunter who found it. Enough info was found on data plates to confirm it as a Ju-87D, but the most important info one can have from a Luftwaffe crash site is its werk#. The relic hunter found a part that contained the planes werk#, but due to damage the whole number can not be read. Here is all the info I have so far.

This Ju-87D crashed in March/April of 1944 in the area of Kamenets-Podolsky (Hube pocket) Only two digits of the werk# are know so far "22" It is unknown what caused the plane to crash, but it is clear it burned for quite some time after the impact. You can see the melted aluminum in the third photo. I will update this thread with more info, if the relic hunter can dig up anything new.

Best regards- Jarret


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