ATS Sergeant’s Tunic, 41 Pattern

Hello folks.

First off, apologies for the photo quality on this one. I’ve tried numerous time to photograph this tunic, and every time the quality was at a level I deemed unsatisfactory for the item to be properly viewed. This, my latest attempt, I feel is good enough. I simply cannot find the right light or positioning to make the images any better.

I have here a 41 Pattern ATS tunic, made of rough serge wool and with sergeant’s rank stripes on the upper sleeves. My understanding is that the ATS used a slightly different ranking system to the Regular Army.
I picked this one up about a couple of months ago, from a dealer who was selling it at a heavily discounted price. The reason for that discount will become apparent very quickly; it has evidently been attacked by pests at some point, likely a mouse. The damage is only on the reverse side, however, and the tunic remains clean. All brass insignia and buttons in place, as well. Tailor’s label is present but rather faded, with the exact date unreadable.
I bought it for its history, and for the fact that it has the owner’s surname and service number stitched inside the collar. Attempts to trace this service number have proved unsuccessful, unfortunately.

Having a great grandmother who served in the ATS, this was one I had to jump on as soon as I saw it. You just don’t see many ATS tunics on the collector’s market these days. And to find one with rank stripes must be rarer still. At some point, I’ll look to acquire a matching skirt and cap. More things on my never-ending ‘to buy’ list!

Regards, B.B.

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