My First FJ Helmet
I first bought this helmet from Billy Shea in 1994 - a double decal paratrooper. *It wasn’t in great shape but it was real and it was in a price range that I could afford.** It was my first FJ, and I really got attached to it. *Reluctantly I*traded it away about 5 years ago as part of a deal for a pretty nice M42 DD DR SS helmet. *Several years later it appeared on a dealer’s site and I had to get it back. *It is an ET71 shell*but has what I am sure is a War time replacement size 57 liner - an early one with the yellow crash pads. *The Fallschirmjager who last wore it in battle*most certainly was KIA. *There are two concussion cracks on the top of the dome, and there are the telltale "corpse cut" remnants of the harness. *The leather of the liner was very dry and fragile and had a few tears when I first owned it. *Unfortunately, it*has sustained*additional*damage,*probably during shipping*in the several transfers*since I parted with it in the trade, but is mostly still there. *Despite the battle damage, I think it still displays well and I*really do like it. *It was, after all, my first. *Here it is, I hope you like it as much as I do. *Jim G.