WKC Schutzpolizei Dress Bayonet & Scabbard
I understand the "S.B.2042." unit marking on the bayonet to mean "Schutzpolizei des Reiches, Staatliche Polizeiverwaltung Berlin, Waffen Nr.2042".
However, I’m having difficulty making sense of the "G.Kz.944.5" unit marking on the scabbard. I understand "G." to mean "Staatliche Polizeiverwaltung Gumbinnen" and "Kz." to mean "Staatliche Polizeiverwaltung Koblenz". However, there should only be a single administration district in the unit marking, not two. How can a bayonet & scabbard have been issued to two districts simultaneously? Also, does the "944.5" marking indicate that it was Weapon No.9445? That seems like an unusually high weapon number. Or does it indicate Weapon No.5 and "944" signifies something else?
Thanks for any and all help, guys!