Some More Feldpost

Hello folks.

This is one of two letters I received as part of a package deal. They came from the same seller as all the other Feldpost I’ve purchased, but are completely unrelated to any of the others I now have in my collection. This one is by far the longest, with multiple folded pages filled top to bottom with handwriting. It seems this was a letter sent from home to a soldier, rather than vice versa. By a female relative or girlfriend, perhaps? The choice of colour for the envelope and paper is what led me down this chain of thought.

I’ve photographed all the pages in what I think is the right order, but of course I have no frame of reference barring the header and footer. This is the order they came out of the envelope in, and I hope it is correct. This one is a good deal longer than any other Feldpost letter I’ve previously posted. It seems this person had a great deal to tell the recipient.

As always, I humbly await help with this one. Wehrpaß are one thing, walls of Sütterlin text are another whole kettle of fish. The stories that emerge from these letters never cease to fascinate me. They’re like little windows to a person’s past.

Regards, B.B.

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