RZM code M7 Dagger makers who DID NOT MAKE HJ knives

There were 129 companies that were accepted as RZM M7 political dagger makers, which included the Hitler Youth knife. So which one’s never made the HJ knife? Not an easy question to answer as most data bases simply lists all the makers, not what they didn’t make.

It occurred to me that a crude but acceptable methodology might be to employ the power of the Google search engine and search "HJ maker M7 code and name". That hopefully would identify makers where no dealer or seller has ever listed a HJ knife made by that maker, and or identify any such marked knife discussed on a Forum.

So that’s what I did and each maker identified I checked any link to view images, those that turned up on images or mentioned (apart from in a total RZM code list of which various site have), by noting those M7 makers with no evidence of a HJ knife for sale or under discussion I sorted out the likely "non producers". This is of course raw crude data and may not be fully accurate, because a very rare small production producer may not attract attention of the search engine. Such a maker’s knife may never have been shown on the net. For these one I need readers to identify makers listed where they have an HJ knife by that maker. That name can then be removed as a confirmed maker (photo evidence please). If no one can challenge the list over time, it must be accurate.

Why would this be useful? In my research to date several of these non producer names have appeared on faked HJ knives identified on various forums.

To date i have gone systematically through the M7 list to the half way point. I will complete the other half tomorrow but thought I would post these initial "non HJ producers" so others can comment on any known errors. So remember this is raw data, so far between M7/1 and M7/79 I have identified 27 dagger makers who DID NOT make the HJ knife. So of first 80 makers (two had same number) 33% did not make the HJ knife. Here they are, see what you think;

M7/4 August Muller KG
M7/15 Carl u. Robert Linder
M7/16 Justus Brenger "Justinuswerk"
M7/17 A. Werth
M7/22 Wilhelm Weltersbach
M7/24 Reinh. Weyersburg
M7/39 Franz Steinhoff
M7/41 Rudolf Schmidt
M7/44 F.W. Backhaus
M7/46 Emil Gierling
M7/47 Paul Ebel
M7/48 Otto Simon
M7/49 Friedrich Herder
M7/50 Gebruder Herder
M7/53 Nach.Gustav Weyersburg
M7/54 Gottfried Muller
M7/61 Carl Tillmans
M7/63 Herder & Engels
M7/64 Friedr. Geigis
M7/69 H.A. Erbe AG
M7/70 David Malsch
M7/71 Herm. Hahn
M7/74 Friedr. Aug. Schmitz
M7/76 Herbeck & Meyer
M7/77 Gustav Schmeider
M7/78 Herm. Linder & Sohne
M7/79 C.Bertram Reinhard & Sohne.

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