Hans Erler (1874-1958)


This is an offcier whose ranks confuse me:

Charakter als Kapitän zur See (11 Dec 1920);
Charakter als Konteradmiral (01 Jun 1940);
Kapitän zur See z.V. (07 Apr 1941)

Why was he promoted to Kapitän zur See z.V. and didn’t get the patent to Konteradmiral z.V.? Is it because earlier he was only a Charakter als Kapitän zur See?
If so, look at his photo below, he is clearly wearing and Admirals cap. So if the photo was taken after 07 April 1941 (when he was promoted to Kapitän zur See z.V.) does this mean he was still allowed to wear a Konteradmirals uniform even though he was promoted to Kapitän zur See z.V.?

As previously explained to me: "A charakterisierter Konteradmiral wears the Uniform of a Konteradmiral and is adressed as "Herr Admiral", but he is serving in the position of a Kapitän zur See and paid as such. Very often, officers received the Charakter of the next higher rank with their retirement as an appreciation of their services." But Erler was promoted to Charakter als Konteradmiral while placed at the disposal of the Kriegsmarine, not before retiring.

Could someone share any light on this particular case?

Many thanks.

Click to enlarge the picture


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