Question What are our plans for our collections?
No-one wants their family pestered by the vultures ( and lets not pussy-foot about it, the ambulance chasers are out there ) and if the "WW2 junk" is to be moved on, we need to ensure that our loved ones are not ripped off in the disposal of the collection. Yes it would be nice to think ALL our partners would cherish it as a reminder of us but lets be frank - that is the minority of us ( and lucky you if you are )
I for one have a notebook with "rough" valuations for typical items but I know my wife really wouldn’t have a clue what to do with most of the stuff. I hope I can gradually move it on before it becomes her burden…. but then I don’t plan on dying any time soon.:o(
What do you all plan for, eh? …. or is it the elephant in the room we don’t want to talk about?
Regards, Dan ( tackling the tough issues since 2009 ):rolleyes: