Research is king. Do some before you buy.
I got asked recently about a Ekm being flogged on Eprey by a guy in UK. Sadly I did not get a photo of the item in question. Even worse was the fact that some poor soul bought it. The item was purported to be a Spanish Div Ekm, marked as SPAN but that was as far as the similarity went. The "story" was that it was found in on the site of a former POW camp in UK, along with a load of others.
The first thing I said to the guy who was asking about it was that the 250th spent no time on the Western front. The bulk of their time was fighting in the East as you will all know. Therefore said I it is practically impossible that one lone Spaniard found his way into. UK camp, hence even less so that his Ekm is now being sold there.
Needless to say the Ekm was a poor copy, but not so poor it seems that someone paid out for it. If that person was you, then remember to do some basic research, or ask on here before you buy. Now go get your refund!