German Polizei/Feuerschutzpolizei DD M34 “Square dip”
Hi guys!
My new original German helmet arrived today, it’s a denazified M34 DD helmet and I like the way it looks. I know that these helmets aren’t the most valuable and are easy to find, however; I just like the look of the police decal, which is pretty much intact (save for the swastika being scratched off). The helmet is even named (which is a nice surprise!), this is simply the starter piece to a much larger collection.
My new original German helmet arrived today, it’s a denazified M34 DD helmet and I like the way it looks. I know that these helmets aren’t the most valuable and are easy to find, however; I just like the look of the police decal, which is pretty much intact (save for the swastika being scratched off). The helmet is even named (which is a nice surprise!), this is simply the starter piece to a much larger collection.