Japanese “going to war” luck banner with translation

I purchased this large banner off ebay and it came with the following information that I hope can be confirmed here and possibly added to. Is it unusual to have the rising sun flag by itself without the japanese red circle? And it is much larger than others I have come across.

WW2 Japanese Army Going to War banner;the measurement of 128” x 27”
From top under the rising sun: blue letter: "wish", two letters below: "return with triumph",
below in the middle is the soldier’s name, 谷村正一, "Mr. Shinichi Tanimura".
On the right next to the name: "the 16th legion of the Manchuria Troop",
On the left next to the name: "the infantry 36th division"
At the bottom: a location called "inner side of river", workers from a factory name. So the banner was dedicated by these workers. "from workers of 寺西(Teranishi)"
Bottom at left: a signature of the person who wrote this banner in brush pen but really can’t read it.

Thank you for any information on such a large banner.
Joe C

Click to enlarge the picture


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