What’s wrong with allied helmets?
Since I couldnt answer that question intelligently and without using broad brush sweeping generalities I side-stepped it but its been on my mind since and, having chatted it over, Ive come up with a number of possibilities .
1) They were the losers and everyone loves the underdog might be a bit harsh but factually correct. But if this is the case why dont Forums ring to the tunes of collectors specialising in helmets from all the other defeated countries through history .Iraq? Grenada? Iran? Argentina? US (Vietnam)? France (at the start at least)? Czech? etc etc
2) They were elite this one kinda insults every specialist from the French Resistance, the SOE, Green Berets, SAS, GSG etc so perhaps it means the elite from the OTHER* side .but that means collectors of Republican Guard stuff, Fedayeen stuff, Argentine Commando stuff, US Delta, Grenadian-based Cuban stuff, Brit Para, Spetnaz stuff etc etc would fill every forum .they dont. (*other is gonna potentially cause issues but you know what I mean .)
3) That its better quality stuff now this ones pretty much irrefutable .one only has put an Adrian, MkII, Ssh39 (or 40!) or Doughboy next to an early war double-decaled M35 to see this is pretty true and even when the allies made improvements they still didnt come close to the quality of the build. One has to ask why the Adrian helmet, with its unique vented crown and interior leather, doesnt seem to have quite the same fan-base but hey .Admittedly the German quality was sacrificed it as supplies/resources thinned out but
4) The ideology ..not gonna go there except to say this IS a reason some people collect.
5) Theyre a better investment .oh, that old one .
6) Theyre cool now this one crops up time and time again. A definition states that cool means very fashionable, stylish, or appealing in a way that is generally approved of especially by young people. not sure about the young people bit, especially where most folk here opt to display their ages under their Avatar (sorry boys!) .so I THINK this means the attraction is that at a time when other countries helmets were one-colour pudding-bowl wannabees with webbing and faux leather (this excludes Adrian) inners, a uniquely shaped, highly engineered BADGED helmet stuck out like a Lambo at a Nash Metropolitan Convention. Indeed, was it the badging that did it??…are collectors simply hypnotised by the presence of a stick-on badge? (from the number of books produced on this particular topic there MUST be some attraction there)…oh and we have badges too!!!!
7) or finally youre in the wrong Forum! .mmmm now THAT one hurt!
So I can conclude that I DONT KNOW ..I wanna go with a combination of 3) [quality] and 6) [cool] .but could be wrong
..any thoughts?
Perhaps I shouldve posted this in a different category/group ..??