Question Al Merito En Campaña/ Spanish War Cross
Hi Forum
I dont now where to post this item, but as it also was awarded to German Soldiers I will post it here. A guy has offered me this spanish War Cross (he wants about 240 Euro), I am in doubt about it, is it all right, what period is it from (seller tells me it is model 1942-1975) but this one should be from the 40ties. There are some treads about it at Wehrmacht-awards (Al merito en campana - Dating this piece ? - Militaria Forums)
I dont now where to post this item, but as it also was awarded to German Soldiers I will post it here. A guy has offered me this spanish War Cross (he wants about 240 Euro), I am in doubt about it, is it all right, what period is it from (seller tells me it is model 1942-1975) but this one should be from the 40ties. There are some treads about it at Wehrmacht-awards (Al merito en campana - Dating this piece ? - Militaria Forums)
A spanish page about the cross:
Link to a 1942-1975 model: