Luftwaffe Schirmmutze help…..General Officer

Good evening,

I am thinking of making an offer on this Schirmmutze, but I have never purchased one. I have attempted to research these on the forum and have come up with a few questions. Pardon the pictures from the seller…I think they are using an older camera.

Here are my main concerns:

The RZM tag seems out of place. I have not seen another RZM tag in my research. Does this seem to fit with other General Officer visors?
The center of the cockade appears to be gold bullion and I have not been able to locate a photo of a similar cockade.
Does the metal cap badge fit with the gold bullion on the rest of the visor?
Is the material correct? It appears to be felt.

Thank you for any info you are able to provide…Have a great night.

Click to enlarge the picture




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