PASGT attachment mystery
’saw this on a PASGT and grabbed some snaps - the helmet’s genuine and the attachment is well made…VERY well made in fact to fit so well althought it isn’t very robust. It has a battery box and a wire leading to what looks like an ear-piece housing in the helmet (once attached to the inner shell by velcro). The Woodland cover is very well made and fitted and the helmet itself has been drilled and screwed at the back (in the same position as the box) previously although this has nothing to do with the box itself - it is not connected to the box. The strap over the top is clearly non-military and the photo of the front catch isn’t great - sorry…and no, I can’t take another. The hooks are all metal although they look plastic.
I couldn’t make my way into the box itself…but the knob turned and battery box opened.
My thoughts are…if it was a film prop, why bother with the wire….it’s too well made to be a toy….it’s lack of robustness makes it highly unlikely to be military issue (which it isn’t is it) ???
Finally, if your fingers are hovering over the keyboard for a one-word response such as "Fake", "Rubbish", "Toy" etc please don’t bother - Forums are for learning and such responses help no-one.