DAF ‘Red Book’


Picked this one up from the same seller as all the feldpost I’ve recently acquired, along with an Arbeitsbuch that I’ll post separately. It is, to my understanding, a DAF membership or food savings book. Beyond that, I’m afraid I’m clueless. It simply caught my eye in the seller’s listings, and a quick bit of photographic research allowed me to determine it as authentic.

The condition of the piece is remarkable, in step with the Arbeitsbuch I also purchased. Whilst I’m unable to translate the owner’s first name or job, I can determine that his surname was Schlecht, and that he was born on the 17th of October 1883. He seems to have joined the DAF on the 1st of February 1934, in Munich. The rest, to me is illegible.

As stated previously, the whole book is remarkably neat and clean. The only damage to speak of is on the front cover, where the swastika and cogwheel appear to have been filled in with pencil. Either a result of boredom, or more likely a postwar attempt at denazification.

The last entry in the book was made on the 1st June, 1945. This gentleman appears to have ‘made it through.’

At only £14, I’d consider this ‘a snip.’
Goes to show that eBay does occasionally offer militaria bargains, even if you do have to wade through a load of crap to get to it.

Best regards, B.B.

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