Question Norwegian M40 helmet.
This helmet comes from the barn of an elderly collector. It is a German M40 helmet reused by the Norwegian army after the war.
The helmet was made at the Eisenhüttenwerk Thale (ET64). The Wehrmacht decals are definitely fake.
Can anyone tell me which manufacturer name is on the chin strap?
Is it possible that the original German Feldgrau coat of paint is still under the green top layer?
Is there a good method to remove the green paint without damaging the underlying Feldgrau layer?
The helmet was made at the Eisenhüttenwerk Thale (ET64). The Wehrmacht decals are definitely fake.
Can anyone tell me which manufacturer name is on the chin strap?
Is it possible that the original German Feldgrau coat of paint is still under the green top layer?
Is there a good method to remove the green paint without damaging the underlying Feldgrau layer?