VE Day Newspaper, Philadelphia Inquirer

Hello folks.

This arrived in the post this morning.
A copy of the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper, printed on the 8th May 1945. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of the Second World War will know this is a date worth celebrating. For those somehow not in the know, the big bold headline should give the smallest of hints. On the day this newspaper was printed, some seventy-odd years ago, the fighting in Europe came to a standstill.

Although yellowed and rough around the edges and fold lines, and probably not all that rare, it is a very special piece to me. Being my first newspaper printed in English, I was able to sit and read it cover to cover. Reading through it really takes you back to that moment in time. It covers the milestones of the war in Europe, and the continuing fighting in the Pacific.

It’s a difficult thing to describe; the feeling I experience looking at something like this. A real portal in time, a look back to that particular moment in history. I hope the photographs I’ve provided do it justice.
I shall be getting this one framed at some point in the near future.

Regards, B.B.

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