Need help! Coldstream Guards Shield - WW2

Hi Guys,

I really need help on this please.
It’s a bit of a story and this is for myself and my Father.

This shield is the only thing that we have left from my Granddad.
He left and went back to S.A while my dad was at sea and was never seen again.
I don’t even know what he looked like or who he was.

For years all I knew was he was a Bombardier in North Africa during WWII.
And other war stories passed on from my grandmother and father.
There was even a story that he taught the Queen how to drive, which I thought was just a bit of a joke, even though it was told with a straight face.

So in all those years, before google etc… I never knew what the shield was or what he did.

It’s not until this week that I was sorting out my war room and I was hanging up the shield, that it dawned on me to google it.

What came up is - The Coldstream Guards.

I can see they saw action in North Africa and I’m starting to think he did teach the queen to drive!! ha ha.

This is where I need help guys.
I wanted to see his service record but it’s not a free service.
If anyone has access to these records, can you please help me out?

Granddads name is - Peterus Jacobus Mostert. P J Mostert.
Coldstream Guards. WWII period.

Thanks guys,

Click to enlarge the picture


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