Not going to be around for awhile guys…

Well, it pains me to say this but I am not a well man.

2 months ago I noticed a dramatic loss of weight, loss of appetite, sudden night sweats and general lethargy. Cut a long story short, I was admitted to hospital 5 days ago and they suspect liver cancer. Exactly what type they won’t know until the biopsy results are in by Tuesday/Wednesday. Scans show some worrying infiltrations so this is definitely bad, we just don’t know what kind of bad.

I had an iron transfusion this morning hence my energy to post this message.

How long this journey will be I don’t know but I am likely to be absent for awhile.

I’m in a good hospital with the best of care so should be feeling confident but the ‘C’ word is still a scary thing.

The WRF members club is a tight community so I feel comfortable in sharing with you guys.

So long for now, take care.


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