Need help! Wolfgang Willrich: SS Posters

Hello everyone,
I recently purchased these four Willrich posters at a ‘flea market’; immediately recognizing the artist before seeing the inscriptions. I have always admired his work since owning the book ‘Willrich: War Artist’ by Klause Peters. However, trying to find information on the internet about the posters is next to impossible. There is plenty of information on the post cards by Willrich, but not much on the posters. What I have found out is: these have been reproduced and sold as the complete set of twelve SS posters at a few sites for various costs when found. I noticed in all the reproductions the paper being much ‘whiter’(brighter) than the heavy card stock in my collection. I also learned that the ’stated’ manufacturer-Forster & Borries, have been in business since the 1890’s. Here is the measurements of each of the four posters in my collection(poster-29.8cm wide by 41.9cm tall; picture-20.0cm wide by 31.7cm tall) as well as some photographs. Any insight, especially on how to tell an original from the reproductions would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance…Alex

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