History of Russian steel helmets

Hello everyone,
In the year of the centennial anniversary of the introduction of the steel helmet in Russian army happened that all were waiting for so long. The first book on Russian steel helmets in the Russian language. This is a unique publication, which details the evolution of this type of protective gear during the period from 1916 to 1945. On the basis of archival documents in chronological order, describes the different samples of steel helmets, as adopted by the Russian army in that period of time, and remained only in prototype and development. In addition to archival data, the book presents a large number of high quality pictures of hats as of the Russian private and Museum collections, as well as copies of drawings, documents and photographs of those years. Many of the materials included in the book published for the first time. In total the book contains 570 color and black and white illustrations. Hardcover, 504 pages, format: 22,5H30,5 see the text is bilingual, all chapters translated into English.
Price for continental Europe 230$,for UK+8$,for USA+15$
Thanx for attantion

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