HJ buckle - RZM 119

Hello friends! I have this HJ on the way to me and today I talked about it with colleagues in Russia.
They have some serious doubts about it because the maker mark. As we can see, the two last digits is added later than the first "1". So it probably begun its life as RZM 1. But it sure must be from same die?
It is hard to understand because I use Google Translate on their forum.

So, are the numbers added by the company or someone else? I found this on HJ-research:

1. RZM 1 = M1/1 which is Kallenbach Meyer & Franke
2. RZM 3 = M1/3 which is Max Kremhelmer , so this leads me to believe that Kallenbach mis marked this buckle. This buckle should have been marked RZM KH 3 (RZM KH 3 = M4/3 Kallenbach Meyer & Franke)
3. RZM 119 = M1/119 Georg Bonitz, so this leads me to believe Kallenbach mis marked this buckle as well. The marking should have been RZM UE 119 (RZM UE 119 = M5/119 Kallenbach Meyer & Franke)
4. RZM M4/3 = Kallenbach Meyer & Franke

So what are your opinions? Fake digits or did the maker add the numbers?
Thank you for your time!


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