Luftwaffe M18 Helmet


This helmet came my way this week and I would welcome any comments as I’m new to helmets and usually stick to Army…………..

It is a M18 helmet shell with 1931 liner and chinstrap, it’s been painted Luftwaffe blue grey and appears to have had a single decal at some point.

Trying to work out if this is a re-issue wartime helmet or a pre war issue lid. It also has some stamps inside the liner……… I was hoping someone can shed some light on whether this is a good or bad sign.

The markings are: maker BF size 64 batch number on inside of the shell is R2031N. I’m happy that this is an M18 original.

The liner is not something I’m not that knowledgable with. The stamp at the front is difficult to read but may be some kind of unit stamp ? Back of the liner has a stamp : B 58 II 11 (maybe).

Chin strap is brown leather and the end of the fixing strap is missing.

Any feed back appreciated. loads of pictures……….on some you can really see the rust coming through….this is definitely original cool militaria



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