Bund Deutscher Mädel Member’s Grouping!

Just got this awesome grouping of a BDM member, Roxanne Mahler. Came with her original identity documents from when she was a BDM member and some other photos of when she was older. From my limited understanding of the German language (and Google Translate) I was able to glean that she was born in Marburg Germany on November 1, 1929. I was also able to see the date of what I believe is to be the time of when she joined, April 20,1939. Literally only months before the start of WW2! A letter from the DRK was also included in this grouping. It even came with a medal from the flooding of Hamburg 1962 and the award book that recipients received with her name inscribed on the cover page. Now where it gets extremely interesting is the fact that the grouping also has a British registration card stamped with the year of 51 which I believe is a year before this type of registration card became obsolete. Which leaves me wondering why she ended up in Britain. Ah if only papers could talk! Perhaps she went to university in Britain during the 50s. I was wondering out of curiosity if there are any databases for former HJ/BDM members? (Note: I only included the medal in the posting because it is part of the grouping.)

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