Questions regarding Feldpostbrief

Hello guys,

I have this Feldpostbrief wich is written on 5. July 1943 by Soldat Willy Schiele. I don’t have questions about the translation, but more about the Soldat and his unit.
So far I know this:
Soldat W. Schiele served with the 3. Lichtmess Batterie leichte Beobachtung Abteilung 27.
This unit was transfered from the Ostfront to the West in 1944. Soldat Schiele’s Todesdatum is 24. June 1944 and he is buried at the Kriegsgräberstätte in Versaille.

What I would like to know is, what kind of unit was the 3. Lichtmess Batterie and what could the task of Soldat Schiele be? I have problems figuring this out and your help is very much appreciated.

Regards, Rik

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