Crown Jewel Rad Buckle

I am extremely happy to announce, that a deal between another collector and myself
was achieved in order to further enhance my Rad / Fad collection of buckles..
A "Great" many thanks go out to Zeppelin cool militariacool militaria !!
I am in Newark, NJ at the moment :weep: and will post detailed pics when I arrive home in a few days.. This is a not often if ever ?? Encountered buckle.. I don’t think it is even on the list of "Known" makers in the Rad / Fad database on our site.. It is finds like this this that keeps me going to enhance my collection in the hope that there are other unknown makers just waiting to be found or makers that have not been seen.. I plan on attending a few of the larger shows this year in my search… I also hope to meet fellow members that attend the SOS / MAX venues
in 2017… cool militariacool militaria

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