luftwaffe fliegerhorstfeuerwehr officers cap by ”clewa” (clemens wagner)
This was for sale in germany a few months ago. The seller gave full garantee on it’s originality and on the fact that all parts are period-original attached. (the visor looks reattached though). Maybe some parts are put together but that is not my question. The reason I post this is because of the cap maker: ‘Clewa’, better known as ‘Clemens Wagner’ from Braunschweig. As far as I know, when you spot a Clewa logo, that automaticaly means the cap is a post-war wagner product. I’m not very experienced but in this case however, I would get fouled extremely easily. This shirmmutze is looking very convincing TR to me… but.. it isn’t? Is the ‘clewa’ logo for sure post war?