Orders of the Red Star, #948957 & #2171768, Tank Repair, 47th “Uman” Tank Brigade

Order Book, #439265, dated April 10th, 1946, and decorations, Combat Service Medal, #340739, Bravery Medal, #274766, Orders of the Red Star, #948957 & #2171768, and Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class, #287972, August, 1943.
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Reverse of Orders of the Red Star 948957, 2171768, & Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class, 287972
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Reverse of Bravery Medal 274766 and Combat Service Medal 340739

Komsomol Book, 17505556, dated February 10th, 1943, dues stamps February, 1943 through 1944

PRIKAZ (Combat Service Medal, #340739)

51st Tank Brigade

Central Front

No. 034

July 14th, 1943

On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary accomplishment of combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the valour and bravery displayed in the process, I award:

Medal “For Combat Service”:

14. Sergeant TROYAN, Nikolai Zakharovich, Electrician 255th Tank Battalion

Commander 51st Tank Brigade
Lieutenant-Colonel Borisov
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Award Sheet

1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Troyan, Nikolai Zakharovich
2. Rank: Sergeant
3. Duty position: Electrician – 255th Tank Battalion, 51st Tank Brigade
Recommendation for the Order of the Red Star
4. Born: 1921
5. Nationality: Ukrainian
6. Party membership: Comsomol member
7. Previous combat: SW Front, Western Front 8.42-1.43, SW Front 1.3.43, Central Front 5.43-present
8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
9. In Armed Forces: since 1941
10. Inducted by: Savinskii Regional Military Commissariat, Kharkov Oblast
11. Previous awards: n/a
12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

Comrade Troyan has been employed on the most difficult and important sectors of the repair team’s work. During fighting for the “1st of May” village (Kursk Oblast), without rest he and the team’s members repaired nine vehicles in two days, thus enabling the reestablishment of the battalion’s combat capability. He is deserving of the Order of the Red Star.

Signed Commander of the 255th Tank Battalion, (?), on 10th July, 1943

Awarded Medal “For Combat Service”
Commander, 51st Tank Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Borisov on 14th July, 1943
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PRIKAZ (Bravery Medal, #274766)

51st Tank Brigade

Central Front

No. 034

July 25th, 1943

On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary accomplishment of combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the valour and bravery displayed in the process, I award:

Medal “For Bravery”

10. Senior Sergeant TROYAN, Nikolai Zakharovich, Electrician 255th Tank Battalion

Commander 51st Tank Brigade
Lieutenant-Colonel Borisov
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Award Sheet

1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Troyan, Nikolai Zakharovich
2. Rank: Sergeant
3. Duty position: Electrician – 255th Tank Battalion, 51st Tank Brigade
Recommendation for the Bravery Medal
4. Born: 1921
5. Nationality: Ukrainian
6. Party membership: Comsomol member
7. Previous combat: SW Front 1.43-5.43 and since 5.43 to present on the Central Front
8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
9. In Armed Forces: since 1941
10. Inducted by: Savinskii Regional Military Commissariat, Kharkov Oblast
11. Previous awards: Combat Service Medal
12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

In his excellent repair of combat vehicles Comrade Troyan displayed courage and bravery in the evacuation of tanks damaged on the battlefield. As the member of an evacuation crew Comrade Troyan evacuated four tanks from the battlefield, all (?) he repaired electrical equipment and faults in a short period.

Conclusion: He is deserving of the Bravery Medal.

Signed Commander of the 255th Tank Battalion, Captain (?), on 25th July, 1943

Endorsed Commander, 51st Tank Brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Borisov on 25th July, 1943
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PRIKAZ (Order of the Red Star, #948957)

51st “Uman” Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade

September 13th, 1944

No. 027/N

On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary accomplishment of combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the valour and bravery displayed in the process, I award:

Order “Red Star”

27. Starshina TROYAN, Nikolai Zakharovich, Fitter, 2nd Tank Battalion Brigade

Commander 51st “Uman” Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Brigade
Colonel Kopylov
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Award Sheet

1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Troyan, Nikolai Zakharovich
2. Rank: Sergeant Major
3. Duty position: Welder/Repairman – 2nd Tank Battalion, 51st Uman Red Banner Tank Brigade
Recommendation for the Order of the Red Star
4. Born: 21.12.21
5. Nationality: Ukrainian
6. Party membership: Comsomol member since 4.1943
7. Previous combat: 6.41-7.41 SW Front, 8.42-9.42 Western Front, 1.43-3.43 SW Front, 3.43-5.43 Voronezh Front, 5.43-(?).43 Central Front, 1.44-3.44 2 Ukrainian Front, 6.44-present 1 Belorussian Front
8. Wounds or shell-shock: seriously wounded 25.7.41 in (G/P?)aisin (Vinnitsa Oblast)
9. In Armed Forces: since April, 1941
10. Inducted by: Savinskii Regional Military Commissariat, Kharkov Oblast
11. Previous awards: Combat Service Medal 14.7.43 51stTank Brigade, Bravery Medal 25.7.43 51stTank Brigade
12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

In fighting for the Socialist Motherland from 22.7.44 to the present in Lyublin, Pulava, and Warsaw principalities (Poland) he has displayed steadfastness, bravery and exemplary selfless work. By his direct participation under field conditions and direct enemy fire, Comrade Troyan conducted 12 on-site repairs and three major repairs. All repairs involving Comrade Troyan’s participation were done ahead of schedule and of high quality.

Conclusion: He is deserving of the Order of the Red Star.

Signed Acting Commander, 2nd Tank Battalion, Captain Tarachenko on 8th August, 1944

Endorsed Acting Commander, 51st Uman Red Banner Tank Brigade, Guards Lieutenant Colonel Telekhov on 30th August, 1944
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PRIKAZ (Order of the Red Star, #2171768)

47th Guards “Uman” Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Brigade

March 22nd, 1945

No. 013/N

On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary accomplishment of combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the valour and bravery displayed in the process, I award:

Order “Red Star”:

23. Guards Starshina TROYAN, Nikolai Zakharovich, Fitter, 2nd Tank Battalion Brigade

Commander 47th Guards “Uman” Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Brigade
Colonel-General Kopylov
1024881 1024882


Award Sheet

1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Troyan, Nikolai Zakharovich
2. Rank: Guards Sergeant Major
3. Duty position: Welder/Repairman – 2nd Tank Battalion, 47th Guards Uman Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade
Recommendation for the Order of the Patriotic War II Class
4. Born: 21.12.21
5. Nationality: Ukrainian
6. Party membership: Candidate Communist Party member since 1.45
7. Previous combat: SW Front 6.41-7.41, Western Front 8.42-9.42, SW Front 1.43-3.43, Voronezh Front 3.43-5.43, Central Front 5.43-9.43, 2 Ukrainian Front 1.44-6.44, 1 Belorussian Front 6.44 to present
8. Wounds or shell-shock: seriously wounded 25.7.41
9. In Armed Forces: since April, 1941
10. Inducted by: Savinskii Regional Military Commissariat, Kharkov Oblast
11. Previous awards: Combat Service Medal 14.7.43, Bravery Medal 25.7.43, Red Star 13.9.44
12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

In fighting on the 1st Belorussian Front north of the city of Arnswald and for the cities of Peate, Naugard, and Golenov from 1.3.45 to the present, Comrade Troyan has displayed steadfastness, courage, and exemplary, capable, selfless work. Continuously caring for the repair (?) of tanks, Comrade Troyan directly participated in the evacuation of 11 tanks from the battlefield under enemy fire, of which six were returned to action in a short period. Additionally, Comrade Troyan conducted the repair of seven tanks on site thus returning the battalion’s combat capability. In difficult conditions Comrade Troyan advanced among the tank’s fighting formation where he restored the combat vehicles’ technical capacity.

Conclusion: He is deserving of the Order of the Patriotic War II Class.

Signed Commander, 2 Tank Battalion, Guards Captain Petrochenkov in March, 1945

Recommended downgrade to the Order of the Red Star by Deputy Commander, 47th Guards Tank Brigade, Guards Major (?)

Downgrade endorsed by Commander, 47th Guards Uman Order of Lenin Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade, Guards Colonel Kopylov in March, 1945
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PRIKAZ (Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd Class, #287972)

9th Guards “Uman” Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Tank Corps

February ____, 1945

No. 013/N

On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary accomplishment of combat missions in the struggle with the German invaders and the valour and bravery displayed in the process, I award:

Order “Patriotic War, 2nd Class”

24. Guards Starshina TROYAN, Nikolai Zakharovich, Fitter, 2nd Guards Tank Battalion, 47th Guards “Uman” Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade.

Commander, 9th Guards “Uman” Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Tank Corps
Guards Major-General Tank Troops Vedeneev

Corps Chief of Staff
Guards Lieutenant-Colonel Shetsov
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Award Sheet

1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Troyan, Nikolai Zakarovich
2. Rank: Guards Sergeant Major
3. Duty position: Welder/Repairman – 2nd Tank Battalion, 47th Guards Uman Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade
Recommendation for the Order of the Patriotic War II Class
4. Born: 21.12.21
5. Nationality: Ukrainian
6. Party membership: Candidate Communist Party member since 2.45
7. Previous combat: 6.41-7.41 SW Front, 8.42-9.42 Western Front, 1.43-3.43 SW Front, 3.43-5.43 Voronezh Front, 1.44-3.44 2 Ukrainian Front, 6.44-present 1 Belorussian Front
8. Wounds or shell-shock: seriously wounded 25.7.41 in Gaisin
9. In Armed Forces: since April 1941
10. Inducted by: Savinskii Regional Military Commissariat, Kharkov Oblast
11. Previous awards: Combat Service Medal 14.7.43, Bravery Medal 25.7.43, and Order of Red Star 13.9.44
12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

During the capture of Grubets, Mi(?)puv, Zhirarduv, Sokachev, Bromberg, and Shoepleike from 15.1.45 to the present in combat for our Socialist Motherland, Comrade Troyan has displayed valor, bravery, and exemplary selfless work. Under any circumstances despite fatigue and the situation Comrade Troyan ceaselessly and accurately accomplished all his orders. Continuously maintaining the tanks Comrade Troyan rendered rapid assistance to the tanks under any conditions. Comrade Troyan participated in the evacuation and repair of six of the battalion’s damaged tanks on the battlefield under enemy fire, thus enabling the most rapid restoration of the battalion’s combat capability.

In street fighting for the city of Shoenlanke on 28.1.45 Comrade Troyan fearlessly rushed into the city, accounted for burning tanks, and took measures for the evacuation of damaged tanks.

Conclusion: He is deserving of the Order of the Patriotic War II Class.

Signed Commander, 2nd Tank Battalion, Guards Captain Makinin on 3.2.45
Endorsed Commander, 47th Guards Uman Red Banner Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade, Guards Colonel Konylov on 10th February, 1945

Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II Class by Order 013/N of the 9 Guards Tank Corps dated 17.2.45. Signed Chief of Personnel, 9 Guards Tank Corps, Guards Major Mikhalts
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Document for the Medal Victory over Germany dated May 15th, 1946 by the Commander of the 47th Guards “Uman” Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade (47-й Гвардейской Уманской Oрдена Ленина Краснознамённой Oрдена Суворова Tанковой Бригады), Guards Colonel & Hero of the Soviet Union (#5870), Nikolai Veniaminovich Kopylov, Serial #Shch095039

Document for the Medal Liberation of Warsaw dated April 26th, 1946 by the Commander of the 47th Guards “Uman” Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade (47-й Гвардейской Уманской Oрдена Ленина Краснознамённой Oрдена Суворова Tанковой Бригады), Guards Colonel & Hero of the Soviet Union (#5870), Nikolai Veniaminovich Kopylov, Serial #A211698

Document for the Medal Capture of Berlin dated December 26th, 1946 by the Commander of the 47th Guards “Uman” Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Tank Brigade (47-й Гвардейской Уманской Oрдена Ленина Краснознамённой Oрдена Суворова Tанковой Бригады), Guards Colonel & Hero of the Soviet Union (#5870), Nikolai Veniaminovich Kopylov, Serial #A105012

Document for the Medal 20th Anniversary of Victory dated February 16th, 1967 by the Izyumskiy (Kharkov, Ukraine SSR) Regional Military Commissariat, Serial #B0266313

Document for the Badge 25th Anniversary of Victory

Document for the Medal 30th Anniversary of Victory, combatant, dated February 22nd, 1976 by the Izyumskiy (Kharkov, Ukraine SSR) Regional Military Commissariat, Lieutenant-Colonel Shakhray

Document for the Medal 50th Anniversary Soviet Armed Forces dated July 21st, 1969 by the Izyumskiy (Kharkov, Ukraine SSR) Regional Military Commissariat

Document for the Medal 60th Anniversary Soviet Armed Forces dated May 9th, 1979 by the Izyumskiy (Kharkov, Ukraine SSR) Regional Military Commissariat

Red Army Soldier Book
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Post-war photograph & newspaper article about the Guards Sergeant
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Click to enlarge the picture

















































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