Trying to sell 20-30 medals of mostly german ww2 medals - posted here a few years ago…archid=8624883
hey guys, sorry but i couldnt seem to get my old pw reset. i used to be username kaypee80 but am now kaypee8080.
thanks, u guys really helped alot getting rid of the statues <no statues in those posts are left fyi>. ill post a few pics soon of all the medals so they are on one thread but consider making offers and messaging me whenever u want. but many of them are in those threads already and some of u guys seemed quite excited about them.
Run above search and ull find lots of pics where i asked for advice on authenticity and value. I dont think any of those medals are in the group i am keeping so consider all of it potentially for sale.
Message me if interested. Id REALLY LOVE IT if it were face to face nyc trade. But am open to other methods but they need to be scammer-proof (not doing reversible payment / sales, etc>
Any advice on how to sell for best market value?
How has market held up over the last 3-4 years?
Just to let u all know, i posted about alot of statues and medals I inherited 3 years ago and this forum community helped me out tons. And before anybody attacks me for selling my late relatives collection - u should know that my late uncle expected me to do this but the reasoning is personal and i really shouldnt need to explain myself there. But lets just say that he wished for me to take these objects and help myself deal with everyday financial stuff. He never expected me to keep them and actually forbid me from telling other family members about his lil hobby lol. I always thought the stuff was cool but he knows theres some stigma about this sort of stuff and doesnt expect me to build a shrine with these things <he got in at a time when he probably didnt make a ton of money but his aim was to sell just as much as buy and make some cash to keep himself busy during retirement while also seeing and touching historical items that are really cool if ur interested in ww2>.
I did put aside his favorite pieces and those will stay in my immediate family with my wish to be that the inheritor keep in family unless they find themselves in a place where financial hardships could be solved by selling the items. In that case, id rather their hardship go away (and im sure my late uncle would too> rather than keeping some collectibles. But whichever liberal member of my family that gets them will likely wind up keeping them and doing the same for generations.
feel free to message me on this account kaypee8080 to discuss.
Note, these can be picked up local in NYC (and that is the preferred means of doing the deal and id take lower offers as opposed to internet deals just so that we both walk away knowing exactly what the transaction was.
so again, search for threads started by kaypee80
but message me here under kaypee8080 as i cant get access to my old account.
ill donate 5% to this boards admins if they give me a method of donating for all sales made due to member of this community.