Where were you in ‘22? (1922)
I’ve been wanting to share this for a while, but I’m currently going through some health issues that prevent me from spending much time at the computer. Hopefully, I’ll be over this soon and can add more items from my collection relevant to the thread and perhaps some better photos as well.
I would like to especially thank Erich S. for his help in answering my many questions and sharing photographs of his wonderful collection.cool militaria
Until I am up to par, I am going to only post some pictures and a few cut and paste articles. I will mostly let the photos speak for themselves.
Kurt Luedecke joined the NSDAP and the SA in 1922 and was at the Coburg German Day, October 14-15, 1922.
He barely escaped with his life after the "Night of the Long Knives" and after arriving in the US, authored a book about the early days in the Party and at Hitler’s side, "I knew Hitler" (1937)
"Hitler and the Nazis ranked the importance of the Coburg venture so highly that to have been there became a special honor. This was officially recognized in 1932, when at the great festival on the 10th anniversary of that first victory, special badges were handed by Hitler to the men who had taken part."
" It is typical of Hiler’s career that the Coburg episode, which started largely as a prank, ended as one of the most important milestones in Nazi history." - Kurt Luedecke
Thanks for having a look!