Early Heer Double Decal Transitional - M18 - Si66

Here is one I have had for a long while. It is a fairly early double decal Heer tranny, complete with an unreinforced aluminum banded embossed leather liner and a carbine clip chinstrap (which broke while I was taking these pictures - DAMN!). It is an Si66 shell, repainted in and out, and adjourned with Heer decals which were covered over with thick coats of shellack. The liner is clearly the original 1930’s TR period installed piece, and although the ink stamp on the apron of the shell indicates that the helmet should have had either a size 57 or 58 liner a size 56 was put in this one. The leather has the early embossing. The size "56" is clear, but the rest of the stamp is very light and difficult to decipher. I think I can make out is the year - 1936 - but I just can’t get a clear picture of it. The chin strap is one of the early ones as well. I like the way it was installed - it appears that a loop was sewn to the end opposite from the clip, the strap was slipped through the bale over the wearer’s left ear and then slipped through the loop. I guess the carbine clip was attached after the strap was fitted to the left bale. This one looks a little beat. Unfortunately the poorly applied paint hasn’t held upon so well over the years and there is a lot of rust, but over all it is a pretty good example of an fairly early Heer tranny. Hope you like it. Jim G.

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