My mum’s book USAAF
Hi everyone, just thought I would let you all know about my mums book, ‘Beneath The Clouds, A Social History of The US Army Air Forces in England 1942-45′ by Jackie Stuart. It is based on interviews with veterans who were stationed in England during the war, whom mum interviewed extensively in the 1980’s and 90’s, frequently travelling to the States. In my childhood we frequently had veterans to stay with us, and i spent a lot of time visting old airfields and museums. These veterans also gave me the first pieces in my collection.
I have also worked on the book, providing the front cover design, modern day photographs and wartime photographs from my collection. The book is available from Poppyland Press Poppyland Publishing: Product Search costing £12.95 and it’s a really interesting read.
Also shown here are some original photographs from my collection, some of which appear in the book.