Need help with German Bayonet markings/stamps
Hey guys I have a bayonet and wanted some info on markings etc. I have been looking at some information and gathered that it is a German M1898/05 butcher blade bayonet from 1916.
On the back of the blade it has a crown with a ‘W’ underneath, and a 16 underneath that. I’ve gathered this means 1916, but what does the crown and ‘W’ mean? On one side of the blade, it has ‘Carl Eickhorn’ and ‘Solingen’ stamped on. Solingen is a city in Germany, so i’m assuming that’s where it was made? Lastly, on the bayonet near the hand guard/hook looking thing, there is a ‘41′ stamped on. Any clue as to what this means?
Also, on the opening end of the scabbard and on the ball at the end, there is some sort of marking/stamp. Is this an inspection mark or something similar?