Need help! 3 colour cammo armour piece
Sometimes you have to stick with your $ limit and if some other bidder wants it you have to watch it go.
This is such an example. On the back of my Junkers JU-52 relic win I had also bid on this 3 colour cammo lid off some German piece of equipment I just liked the patina and vibe it gave out and thought it too would be a neat addition to the wall. But it was not meant to be
Anyway, here are a few photos of one that got away for discussion.
Has anyone seen this type of cammo pattern before? It is quite fine considering the overall size of the piece ( 35cm x 17cm ) I dont doubt its originality but surprising to see ALL 3 colours on something this size.
Any ideas from the armour guys?:confused::confused:
Cheers, Dan