for sale Salty Ortsgruppe Schwerin-Gartenstadt Flag

by: Anzel
Description: Here is a salty original Ortsgruppe Schwerin-Gartenstadt Flag for your collection!
Please view photos for condition. One Orstgruppe canton is present and one missing to time . You can see repairs and issues of staining and nipping(not terrible) the rings are missing to time as well. The fringe is fine with nothing loose or missing. The first side would display fine as you would imagine. As I understand, each Ortsgruppe area had one flag to maintain and display. So all of these are pretty much one of kind.
Feel free to ask questions or request additional photos…
$699USD includes paypal and US shipping
International Shipping at cost…
..items like these are harder to find in any condition.
Thank you for looking at all my offerings!