British Mk7 as first issued

Good afternoon gents,

I couldn’t find another thread to add this to nor could I see much on the Mk7 anyway so if this needs moving I hope one of the Mods can oblige.

I am not a helmet collector but as with most of us I suppose other stuff finds its way into my collection on occasion and somehow I find I have some 30 lids now:rolleyes:

Anyway, I thought this Mk7 complete with packaging (which shows the nomenclature) might be of interest.

The shell label would be very hard to photograph on this one but it shows that this is a 2009 issue making it one of the first (the Mk7 was introduced in 2009). This explains why the cover is labelled as a Mk6 because MTP was introduced while the Mk6 was in service and before the Mk7 so the earliest Mk7 lids had Mk6 covers as they do fit as you can see. Now that the Mk6 is no longer issued the MTP covers are Mk7 specific, I’m not too sure if they are physically different though.

I never used the Mk7 in service (I retired in 1999) but I did use the Mk6 and I can certainly say that the Mk7 is far more comfortable with no need to stuff it with field dressings etc to stop the knot in the drawstring giving you a headache. My son used the Mk7 in Afghanistan so we compared notes as it were and he agrees:rolleyes:

It seems these are none to common on the collectors market at the moment but I daresay with talk of an impending replacement that may change soon (unless the whole lot get flogged to some "client state":D

Here are a few pics;




Click to enlarge the picture













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