Stahlhelm M42 Helm M 42 NS 66 mit Innenfutter Kinnriemen und Glockenstempel
![]() | EUR 330,00 End Date: 30. Apr. 12:16 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 330,00 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
Militaria and WW2 history forum and topsites. Sõja ajaloo portaal.
![]() | EUR 330,00 End Date: 30. Apr. 12:16 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 330,00 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
I really don’t know the age / era they are from or what qualifications were needed to obtain the level of "command Pilot" but I have always liked them and they have survived in my collection to this day.
Any help here guys ( I’ve a new cell phone and the cameras are getting so good!! )
Thanks champs!
![]() | EUR 8,50 End Date: 03. Apr. 09:16 Buy It Now for only: US EUR 8,50 Buy it now | Add to watch list |
I am hoping you can help me identify an item left to me by my grandfather. It’s a shell casing made into trench art by a soldier in either WW1 or WW2. I’ve done a bit of research over the last few days, but haven’t made much headway — in fact, I’m just confusing myself more. I haven’t been able to find out what the headstamp marks represent, and the artwork itself is slightly mysterious (at least to a novice such as myself).
I’m sorry if this is the wrong forum, but it was the closest match I could find. Please let me know if I need to post elsewhere.
I have attached pictures below. For high-definition images, see this imgur album.
Here’s what I know so far:
I’m intrigued by the headstamps, which aren’t listed in any reference materials I could find in 4 hours on Google (at least none from WW1 or WW2 era). I’m particularly stumped by the "791X 6" mark, which for years I thought was a botched attempt by the artist at rendering "1916". This made me think it was WW1, which of course made the tropical theme all the more confusing.
I’ll stop yammering and get to the photos. I apologize in advance for the lighting - it’s hard to see some marks, especially with the rust and patina. It looks like the bottom got wet at some point.
Here is an image of the bottom of the casing, with labels:
Here is the same image with no labels:
Thank you so much for any information you can give me, and for your patience if this is the wrong forum.
I have tried to exclude this in my settings, but cant find a way to remove that highly annoying "WRF Seller"
It might be difficult to see in the photos how much of the frosted finish remains on the obverse. The reverse retains pretty close to 100% of the frosted finish.
by: all1knew
Description: Hello all,
Here’s your chance to pick up a beautiful early Gau marked SA dagger by E. Pack. Has nickle fittings and a small chip out of handle which is included. Could be reparied by a simple dab of glue. Has a great nicotine patine and an unsharpened blade with great cross grain.
To purchase, simply click the “Buy It Now” button on this page.
free shipping ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and I don’t charge PayPal fees like some of the other guys!
Thank you for looking.
William Kramer
by: all1knew
Description: Hello all,
Here’s your chance to pick up aM35 Heer EM/NCO tunic for the 5th battery 6th artillery regiment. Regulation conversion with sewn in boards. Medals and belt are not included. Great piece waiting for a mannequin!
To purchase, simply click the “Buy It Now” button on this page.
free shipping ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and I don’t charge PayPal fees like some of the other guys!
Thank you for looking.
William Kramer
by: all1knew
Description: Hello all,
Here’s your chance to pick up a great Deutscher Volksstrum armband, period attatched ends and deff worn. A great example here.
To purchase, simply click the "Buy It Now" button on this page.
free shipping ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and I don’t charge PayPal fees like some of the other guys!
Thank you for looking.
William Kramer