Need help! Belt buckle would be a good one to start a collection? Advices needed..

So, after searching a gift for a friend (a German belt buckle), i ended up to to an old fantasy of mine, own a SS buckle. As i’m not collecting German items, this one would be my first item, so i truly want to chose a nice item, which won’t let me feel in the near future the desire to replace him.

Many offerts online, also many fakes, some of them spottable also by me (V chest, cast signs). Considering also that there are more and more very well made fakes, i think that the most clever stept would be to ask advice from someone with more experience…in this case you.

As buget i’m around 4-500$, i saw several items with some potential, but, if possible, could you give me some good references in that direction? I’ve already checked some of the well known spots, but maybe you could give some other kind of advice about that.

As a start, i would like to ask you some opinion about the following one. All your time&help will truly help me to start a very tiny new branch in my collection, in a good way.

Thanks in advance,


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